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Julia Busby
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A Note From Julia


Clearly, I’m an adventure junkie……

Unless it involves open water and sharks!


Once upon a time, life threw me a curveball. One that left me in a position where I had the opportunity to redesign my life from nearly nothing. Just a small U-Haul filled with minimal items along with my three kids and dog. I had no job, but I had always dreamed of graduating college and becoming a teacher. So I did just that. Once we settled into my tiny 750 square foot apartment, I went back to school. I blazed my way through undergraduate and graduate school while working and attempting to manage my three kids.

I became a special education teacher specializing in teaching students impacted with autism. Serving others is my purpose and passion in this life. My three children were my “Why”.

I was determined, focused, and had a personal declaration to redesign the life I had been living since I was 17 years old.

What is your why?

Writing has also been a passion and an area of personal interest. The idea to write a self- help-memoir named “Finding Her” arose about twelve years ago, but I was drowning in both pity and unworthiness that I felt no one would want to read my story. I allowed my fear to pack my idea away because I felt that my story would not resonate with anyone. Have you ever packed something away because you were faced with fear or lack of support to take your first steps?

I feel ya, I really do.

So instead of a book, I created a PODCAST.

It is very important to note that we are ALL BRAVE. We all begin from zero. I am not only BRAVE to hang above cliffs all around the world, but I show up each day to support others who have yet to uncover their power or true potential. I look foward to working with you.

Now, go tune into my show!

Keep Shining,



listen to the podcast.


 “One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen, again and again, fear must be overcome again and again.”

-Abraham Maslow