Fight Mental Exhaustion
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Mental Exhaustion, Compassion Fatigue, Stress Induced Illness, and Mental Breakdowns are common occurrences each year.
A nervous or mental breakdown is a term used to describe a period of intense mental distress. During this period, you’re unable to function in your everyday life. -
Over the past year, I was not faithful to tending to my own needs. I just kept trucking along caring for everyone else until I succumbed to compassion fatigue which is also known as a mental breakdown. I was faced with a new reality which consisted of lots of time spent in solidarity, captive to my inner paranoia and fears about not being able to trust anyone including the environment outside of my home. I was not super human as I thought or I never imagined that my world would eventually fall apart due to complete mental and physical exhaustion.
Deeper into the pit filled with sh*t I went.
Throughout my recovery, I realized that my background in special education could support me in creating a business where I could showcase my love of educating others via a podcast and mental health platform. I taught social skills, emotional intellegeince, stress management, executive functioning skills, and self management to students for years. I had been a teacher for nearly ten years, but I know I can’t carry on through retirement because honestly the everyday stress has become too much. In a world where education is placed on the backburner along with funding and support;I have decided to create an opportunity to teach women skills in self improvement.
Because there is a HUGE NEED for Women to Learn More About Themselves in the Area of Mental Health and Wellness.
Today, I will share with you four tips to implement into your life right now. Taking the initiative to learn more in the area of self-improvement and mental health in wellness is key to taking proper care of yourself. Remember, you don’t want to succumb to stress-induced illness or physically and mentally collapse as I did. Look at it this way, tending to your mental health and wellness should be routine such as a six-month cleaning at the Dentist or yearly pap smear. PREVENTATIVE HEALTH CARE.
Routines. Routines. And more routines. Think about this, a baby requires a strict routine including all the pooping, feeding, and sleeping. When we have a solid morning and night routine we are lowering our stress and allowing for consistency to guide us into the next day. Routines allow us to prioritize ourselves and our self-care. They help lower our anxieties and allow us to add in downtime and healthy amounts of sleep per night. Routines can include hitting the gym, spending time in silence, turning our phones off and limiting time doing things that are not a priority. Do you have a daily or nightly routine?
P.S. I am a baby Grandma and can be found in bed by 7 on most week nights. Teaching in public education wipes me out everyday.
Learn to say NO. It is important to keep your boundaries strong and practice saying NO to get used to feeling empowered not guilty for putting your needs first. Plan out your weekly meals, decide how many sports your children will be allowed to play each season, turn down parties and limit activites that takes you away from your loved ones on your days off. Say NO to making cupcakes for the PTO and purchase some delicious ones instead. JUST SAY NO, if your not feeling it. People in your inner circle will understand, it might even help them revamp their boundaries as well.
Educate yourself
Use podcasting, YouTube, search for books at your local bookstore or library and read online articles. The personal development world is growing with advocates, educators, and influencers all sharing their brands, stories, and stance on mental health and wellness. Knowledge is power and currently, there is so much out there for you to access for FREE.
Through my recovery and time spent in therapy, I began to implement all of the above including writing and creating content for my online educational business. Creating art reduces anxiety, relaxes the mind, and increases your happiness. I have found that I enjoy expressing myself through journaling and creating affirmations.
What can you create to ignite your creativity?Check one of my highest ranking shows about rewriting your personal narrative with Hallie Avolio.