Julia Busby

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Finding Calm

I am suffering.

Our family and friends are suffering.

You are suffering too.

I guarantee many of us are suffering in silence.

Hidden by shame and guilt to stand up and say we need help.

Start by taking off your "I can do it all cape" and recognize that it is okay to place limits on yourself to stay sane.

Many of us continue to stumble due to the uncertainty of what initial steps to take to make changes.

I like to think about this time in our lives as living in an anxious world.

What can you do NOW to help with this?

First, you need a map.

Think about it, when you are heading to a new destination, you use Google Maps.

When you want to maximize your travel time in your car, you can use the app Waze.

When you start a new job, you receive training.

If you start a new diet, you follow a plan.

Creating a map to help you navigate your life in an anxious world is essential to finding your inner calm.

It will help you learn more about yourself.

And more importantly, what you need.

Secondly, you need a support system to help you with motivation and accountability.

As a teacher and podcaster, I am working on an anxiety collection for my podcast.

A collection of anxiety based episodes to help you learn more about living in an anxious world.

My support group on Facebook gave ideas for what topics they would like to learn more about as they struggle with anxiety.

Please help me continue my efforts to normalize talking about mental health in our communities by sharing the show with one person.

Follow me on Instagram @juliambusby

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