Living a Normal Life

I like many of you have had a very rough week. I speak to you today about it because sharing my obstacles has helped many understand that mental health issues that arise in our lives are normal. 

You are normal. Trust me.

You are normal. Trust me.

Yes, you are normal.

Your experiences are normal.

It is a fact of life. 

However, our minds like to paint a different picture for us. They like to make us feel powerless, ashamed, broken, and unworthy. All because mental health has been stigmatized. People with mental health issues have been mocked and vilified. It is only education and promotion of awareness that spreads hope and understanding that many of us are indeed the same. 

We share the same struggles.

We share the same ups and downs.

We share good days.

We share bad ones too.

Throughout the week, I have been able to identify what my triggers were and how or what I could do to make getting through the day more bearable. 

And, I wanted to share that with you all today. To help you when you feel a day or a moment is too hard to bear. 

The days where it takes all your energy to get your ass out of bed. 

To muscle up the mindset to take that shower that you have been refusing to take for a few days now.

To clean your messy kitchen and fill your refrigerator with food from the store. 

To take the first few bites of the food you prepared yourself. 

To hope for a better afternoon or evening. 

Or to make your damn bed.

I have been there and I promise you there have been times where I felt so lost that I didn't think I had it in myself to find a way out. 

But, I did. 

How did I do this? 

Resilience, hard work, patience, grace, vulnerability, and a realization that I am not alone. 

Yes, we are normal.

You may feel alone but, you truly are not. 

Here is my plan to identify my day that might have begun on the wrong foot. 

  1. Think about when I started feeling off. (time/trigger/when)

  2. Ask clarifying questions ( who, what, where, etc).

  3. If negative thoughts arise decide if it is True or False.

  4. Select a coping skill to work through feelings and or funk.

  5. Write in my phone notes or journal anything that would be important for later. ( on a scratch paper, post it, receipt, or anywhere)

This helps me when I am feeling overwhelmed and or stuck on a shit day. Remember, it is not as simple as this. When it is too much I move into self-care mode by resting and spending time in solitude. This helps me ground and start over eventually. 

It is a practice that begins with a mindset to help you build skills in resilience. You, my friend, are living a normal life. We all are.

Check out my podcast Finding Her on all podcasting platforms. I like to talk about mental health and wellness including strategies, tips, and ideas to help you on your journey of awareness.

This week, I talk about how to build your anxiety crisis kit. I have also created a free download to help you plan personal items you may want to try or add to your kit. Listen to it here!

Follow me on Instagram @Juliambusby

Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter and check out my website too!

Julia Busby