Anxious Monday

I posted a quote on Instagram over the weekend to help my followers when anxiety begins to take over their minds. A statement that they could recall before their panic sets in.

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" Reminder for you today: Everything is FIGURE-OUT-ABLE."

I shared that because I knew someone would be mindlessly scrolling through their feed and would need to see it. Many of my posts are seen by the thousands, especially in the realm of mental health. There continues to be a dire need and not enough content.


Fact: people who suffer from feelings of anxiousness often scroll to keep their minds occupied or even use social media when they are in an environment that makes them anxious.

I needed to see it too.

To be honest, most of the topics I write and speak about are directly connected to me through personal life experiences.

As in this message for today.

Sometimes, I want to wake up on a Monday morning with all my worries set aside so I can feel free.

Less heavy.

Less focused on the "what if's"

Less zeroed in on the "what did I forget to do yesterday or even last month."

Less negative and more positive.

But, like all things connected to growing, evolving, and change I need to put the work in. To lessen my brain's overthinking load. It is a daily grind.

It doesn't just happen for anyone.

No instant download.

No VIP all access to the perfect mind or perfect day.

What is that anyway?

I've shared on my podcast Finding Her, that our brain is a giant muscle. And to make it stronger and more resilient we have to not only educate ourselves about its limitations and how it works but also learn how to make it stronger.

Yes, our brain needs a daily workout.


Making our brain stronger will allow both you and me to become more efficient at redirecting our worries, understanding our panic and triggers, and becoming self-reliant on ourselves. Of course, we will always have anxiety in our lives but it will be harder for it to control us.

So if you are like me waking up anxious, take this into account, you can learn how to ease your symptoms through education. You can learn how to manage what and why things burst into flames. You can learn how to move through a panic attack, negative self-talk, and limiting beliefs.

Most importantly, you can continue to wake up imperfect and still put in the daily grind to become the best version of yourself regardless of what day of the week it is.

Everything is indeed FIGURE-OUT-ABLE.

You can grow into a problem-solving machine.

If you can relate please let me know below!

Keep Shining,


Follow me on Instagram @findinghermentalwellness

Listen to my podcast Finding Her

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