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A traumatic experience changed my life forever. 10 years later, I was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

I didn’t understand why or what that diagnosis meant. How would it relate to my life long condition of Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

I couldn’t share that information with anyone outside of my home.


Why? Shame.

You know why? Shame.

FEAR of the stigma that labels people with mental health issues as damaged goods.


Would this last forever?

How common is PTSD?

About 7 or 8 out of every 100 people (or 7-8% of the population) will have PTSD at some point in their lives.

So I am not alone…..

What is PTSD?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental health condition that occurs after a person experiences or witnesses a traumatic event. One that the person fears for their own or other’s safety.

It can also result from situations where there is a high level of stress and series of events that may last for long periods of time. Exposure to war, abusive and toxic relationships, and or rape are a few examples.

Dangerous, life threatening, violence, overwhellming, and fear.

You are unable to access your prior coping and calming responses in your body.

After my diagnosis, I dove into what I do best when helping students and families that I serve as a Special Education Teacher.

I began researching and reading a shit ton.

I would suggest this for you as well, especailly if you or your loved one are navigating a PTSD journey or if you are wanting to educate yourself.

The book I found most beneifical, easy to read, and understandable.

The Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Sourcebook By Glenn R. Schiraldi, PhD

Keep in mind,not everyone with PTSD is a combat veteran..png

Types of PTSD falling under three areas:

Intentional Human

  • Combat/ fighting/ war/POW

  • Abuse including domestic violence

  • Rape

  • Torture

  • Criminal assult

  • Alcoholism

  • Riots

  • Suicide or sudden death

Unitentional Human

  • Accidents ( motor, boat, plane crash, train wreck)

  • Explosion

  • Surgical damages

  • Nuclear Disaster

Natural Disasters

  • Earthquakes

  • Tornado

  • Typoon

  • Attack by animal

  • Avalanche

  • Fire

  • Sudden death

  • Unexpected life threatening illness

Educating yourself on PTSD can help you become aware of your condition and allow you to work through to recovery. I was able to purchase this book and flip through to the DSM ( diagnostic criteria) and underline all the symptoms that I had or was currently experiencing.

This gave my family a blue print of the triggers and behaviors that I was displaying in my personal life. It also helped during therapy sessions too!

Yep, the damn toaster oven beep made me jump out of my skin while I was upstairs with the door closed.

Uncontrollably crying in my bed because I was paranoid and terrified.

I lost thrity pounds.

Large crowds and loud noises overwhellmed me.

I thought my two tiny 4 lb Yorkies were going to turn me into the police.

True statement.

It took me years of hiding in silence and one PTSD flare up that changed my mindset about sharing my story.

Support those impacted with PTSD and continue to shine the light to normalize mental health in our society.

Keep Shining!

If you are interested in learning more about me and the services I offer, feel free to check out my website and tune into my podcast.

Send me an email

Finding Her Podcast found on all popular podcasting platforms. I talk about mental health and wellness. This episode is about anxiety as I appropriatley named it “ Anxiety is a Buzzkill”

Julia talks about anxiety and how she uses creativity to keep her fun governor at bay. She also shares a few symptoms of anxiety and how you can self monitor your feelings and symptoms as a key to unlocking skills in self awareness. From the National Institute of Mental Health, she shares the 5 common anxiety disorders.